Monday, March 31, 2008

SEC says mayor should not appoint his own auditor

I agree with the SEC and Frances O'Neill Zimmerman: San Diego mayor Jerry Sanders should not appoint his own auditor.

Zimmerman wrote the following in a letter to Voice of San Diego:

Auditing Mess
By Frances O'Neill Zimmerman, La Jolla
March 31, 2008

"...Voters need to realize that what the SEC calls for will be explicitly undone if voters fall for Proposition C that will appear on our June primary ballot with Mayor Sanders' stamp of approval. The SEC calls for "independent oversight" from an Audit Committee, "an independent and professional internal audit function" and "significant additional staff" to accomplish future on-time reporting to taxpayers and to credit-granting agencies...

"I'd say we can't afford not to have an independent Auditor and Audit Committee and more auditing staff. Nor can we can afford the fox-in-henhouse Proposition C."